Sunday, December 12, 2010

And on the 7th day...she couponed!

I love Sunday's.  It's something about the day that screams family, snuggles and coupons!  Every Sunday, I get my newspaper, sit down and plan my shopping for the week.  I was extra excited about my two subscriptions to the Chicago Tribune, but it appears as though I did not receive either one today.  So, I was left to the coupons in my Rockford Register Star.  Still, I think I'll be able to get some pretty good deals.  This week, Walgreen's has Huggie's wipes for $2.50.  In the front of the store, there's a coupon booklet with a store coupon for $1 off, paired with a $0.75 off coupon I received from Huggies (not available in any publication), I'll be getting a container of wipes for $0.75!!  This is a great deal, especially since we're almost out and Hunter's finally regulated his bowels!  (I highly recommend going to the websites of your favorite products and signing up - you'll get high value coupons not available anywhere else, sent right to your mailbox!)  The next awesome deal is diapers!  Walgreen's has Huggies on sale 2/$18 this week.  You get $3 back in Register Rewards (good for use off your next purchase) and I have two coupons that were mailed to me, one for $2.50 off, the other for $3.00 off.  (See, as a new mom, everyone's vying for your hard earned money!)  So, at the end of the day, I'll score two packages of name brand diapers for $4.75 each!

If you're interested in learning more about couponing and saving money, I encourage you to check out my dear friend, Deb Hallman's blog (!  She posts some really great deals and scenarios and is open to helping anyone figure out how to start couponing!  She has been a valuable resource to me over the past few weeks and I'm grateful for all her help!  She also links several other blogs on her site, so definitely check it out!  (Plus, she has one of the cutest little guys EVER!)

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