Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Very Sleepy Caterpillar...

Cole has a tendency to find things and insist on keeping them.  Thursday was no different.  He found a caterpillar in our woods and brought it inside, begging to keep it, as if it were an adorable stray puppy.  I obliged him, and cut holes in the lid of a piece of disposable "Tupperware".  He gathered sticks and grass and all other things he assumed would make a nice home for his new furry friend and off they went.  I had my reservations about the liveliness of this little guy from the moment we first met - but Cole insisted he was very much alive, just cold from being outside and would perk right up out of his fluffy balled up position now that he was inside our warm home.

It's been two days since we've welcomed him into our family, and he's yet to make any physical progress from his initial appearance.  Last night, I asked Doug, our resident caterpillar expert, if he thought he was alive.  At first, he was as confident as Cole.  But, after poking him and making attempts at stirring some movement from this little guy, his confidence plummeted.  However, Cole, ever the optimist insisted, "He's just tired, it's past his bed time, you know."  So, if this little creature goes to bed so early, surely he'd be up this morning, right?  Wrong.  "He's a late sleeper - he stays up all night, like a bat," Cole informed me.

So, my friends, what I think has happened is that I've allowed my child to acquire a dead animal, build it a home and create whatever kind of attachment one can have to a happened upon caterpillar.  Now, I just have to find the best way to break the news to him - your caterpillar isn't sleeping, just like he wasn't cold.  Your caterpillar is dead.  Tough break, kid.  It happens to the best of us.  There will be many more caterpillars.  He's in the beautiful cocoon in the sky.  He's gone to caterpillar Heaven, where all good and wonderful caterpillars go.  Rest in peace, little friend.  I feel like we hardly knew you at all...

In lieu of flowers, the family asks that donations be made to The International Caterpillar Rescue Foundation.

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